Computer Assisted Language Learning
CALL use of a computer in the language learning
process. It aim to teach aspects of the language learning process though the
medium of the computer. CALL program can be developed for the many parts of the
language learning process. CALL program include: the language taught, the
language of instruction, the language writing system, the level of the language
to be taught, what is to be taught and how it is to be taught.
-CALL tutors and tools
A tool does not assess the learner. When evaluating a
CALL program, it is important to know if it is a tutor or a tool because they
have different aims and therefore should be judged on different criteria.
-CALL tutor
A CALL tutor offers flexibility on several different
levels. While technology does offer many opportunities that can be done should
be done. Reflection is needed on this issue.
-CALL Tool
A CALL tool is designed to assist learning -it is part
of a larger process. The tool does not have a methodology and the learner is in direct control.
-Computer Mediated communication (CMC)
CMC can occur between second language (L2) learners of
the same target language. It can also occur between first language (L1) and L2
learners where the L1 learner's target language is the first language of L2
learner and vice versa.
CALL Materials
CALL material share many characteristic of NON-CALL
material. Materials can either be authentic, produced locally or commercially.
However, unlike a book, with CALL only a small component can be viewed at any
one time -the learner cannot "flick" though the pages as she or he
can with a book to get an overview of what is available on the course. While
several frameworks have been proposed for CALL materials, non has been
formulated that captures the unique qualities of CALL materials. Knowledge of
application of technology encompasses knowledge the different types of
technology available and their suitability for their intended process.
-Benefits of CALL
Uses of computer to teach language, many benefits of
CALL program have been generally accepted.
-Learner Autonomy
It can be reviewed and tasks can repeated until the
learner is happy to move on the new topic. The learner feels in control, which
usually enhances satisfaction leave with the learning process.
CALL is the private environment it offers for
self-conscious language learners. The computer offers a forum where learners
can lose their self-consciousness. The computer will not expose them when they
make any mistakes. The learners can learn within the sheltered, protected
confines of the CALL program.
The immediate feedback is beneficial for the learner.
It may not possible to provide immediate feedback to each individual learner.
It is important that error are corrected before they are converted into part of
the learner 's "language knowledge ".CALL programs can not only
correct errors but also reinforce the knowledge shown in correct answer.
Motivation is an important factor in language
learning. Motivation encourages greater language performance. When looking at
motivation in the field of language learning, consideration is given to the
difference between foreign and second language learning.
-Access to
They can leave a program to give themselves time to
absorb the new knowledge. With CALL program, the users have more control over
the cognitive load they bear during a lesson. A learner may feel more inclined
to read extra information if it is only a click away.
Learners have
to interact with the computer and cannot hide behind their classmates. Learners
have to drive the program. Usually they have to use the target language
exercise within program. They can practice the exercises as many times as they
like, until they are satisfied with the results.
CALL programs should not just imitate what happens in
a traditional classroom situation but enhance the learning process by doing
things that are only possible with the use of the computer. The variety of
exercises available helps to maintain the student's interest. Audio and video
are features possible in CALL that cannot be as smoothly integrated into the
more traditional learning courses.
Another benefit of CALL is the ability to repeatedly review information. Learners can
listen to audio portions of a CALL program until they are satisfied. This
obviously beneficial to the learner and is a definite advantage over the
traditional classroom situation in which it is not that easy to ask the teacher
to repeat something a number of times until it is understood.
-Limitations of CALL
This sections some of the potential limitations of
CALL and how these limitations can be avoided or at least minimize.
-Limited Availability of Resources
resources include time and money for development of CALL materials, finance to
purchase computers and lack of teacher knowledge. Sometimes there is mismatch
between the CALL program and the users and or the setting. Often, the teacher
has just one computer available and the teacher must the teacher must try to
maximise the benefit of a CALL program for a group of students. It should make
clear to the user what resources it requires and point out the limitations if
these resources are not available.
-Anti-Social Behavior
may get "wrapped-up" in the program and focus on learning the language
in isolation. The computer cannot force learners to speak with other speakers
of the language; it can suggest to learners that they practice with other
speakers at various points throughout the program.
-Learning Content
This may be more difficult in the CALL situation than
when dealing with more traditional learning media as the content provider may
be more removed from the courseware production process than may be the case in
the traditional production process.
-Underutilization of Resources
Often call programs provide learners with a whole
variety of resources to make the learning process more stimulating and
enriching. This can be partly overcome with user training. If users are made
aware of features and their benefits, they will be more likely to use them.
Also, if they are given guidance about when to use what feature, they will feel
more confident with the use of these resources.
-Ineffective Deployment
If there is a mismatch between the perceived and the
actual setting of CALL program, its effectiveness may be limited. While the
design of CALL program can try to encompass as many different learning
situations as possible.
- limitation
in the deployment of call materials
- slow access,
-server complications,
-end-user configuration unknown,
-potential need for Plug-ins,
-technophobic students / teachers.
-CALL development
Teaching strategies and learning items in the language learning domain, that not all
possible combinations of language and learning tasks can be covered. Sometime,
a teacher will work with a software developer to come up with a CALL program to
teach a particular topic, but sometimes the teacher will try to develop
something on his or her own. They can decide what they want to teach and how
they want to teach it.
-The Design of a CALL program
It is not
constraining and provides CALL developers with a map of the CALL process from
design to development. The framework is helpful when designing CALL
courseware and is neither prescriptive nor restrictive.
It would be able to customize the hardware to
needs of the proposed system.
disadvantage of authoring tools is that the developer is tied into a particular
structure and there can be a lack of flexibility.
-Authoring Package
Teacher often
find commercially produced materials unsuitable in terms of pedagogic content.
The final products are often text-based and materials are mainly aimed at the
lower-proficiency levels
-The internet and Email
The use
of internet creates an additional workload for the language teacher. Suitable
web site will have to be researched in advance. If long-distance collaboration
projects are being worked on organisational and curricular challenges must be
-CALL evaluation
evaluating a CALL program, factors such as ease of use, of the user interface,
screen design and organization must considered.
would be too simplistic to assume that a magic formula exists for the success
of the success of CALL. Too many factors and variable need to considered. The
following general guidelines should be taken into account.
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